Nice to meet you, I'm SW Code!
The sound's QR Code.

Discover what's more
each audio
you listen to

Hurry, register your content
before anyone else, it's free.

Download the SW Code APP for free now and discover the secrets behind each audio.

Imagem ilustrativa SW Code em celular

The list of what you can do is endless... Wow

Supporters' meeting

Promote a cause and direct supporters to donate.

Couple composing music

Make a song for the love of your life and send it to a beautiful online dedication.

Man working

Promote your product on the loudspeaker directing customers to make a purchase.

Women shopping

Post a jingle in your store for customers to take advantage of an instant promotion.

Man with guide dog

Create an alternative to the QR Code that is more accessible for the visually impaired.

Women in a musical concert

Direct your band's fans to a page with personalized products.

Supporters' meeting

Promote a cause and direct supporters to donate.

Man with guide dog

Create an alternative to the QR Code that is more accessible for the visually impaired.

Women shopping
Post a jingle in your store for customers to take advantage of an instant promotion.
Man working
Promote your product on the loudspeaker directing customers to make a purchase.
Couple composing music
Make a song for the love of your life and send it to a beautiful online dedication.
Women in a musical concert
Direct your band's fans to a page with personalized products.
Man performing in a concert
Hi singer, register your music by directing it to sponsored content or to a cause that you support.